Thursday, March 15, 2007

Got Restless Legs?

Every Thursday evening, a small group of people gather for the "That's My Story" conference call.

I love listening to people's experiences and ALWAYS learn something new!

Tonight, I really enjoyed what Tessi had to share.

Restless Legs
Tessi talked about having Restless Leg Syndrome during her pregnancy. She added this and it stopped!

Clearer Thinking
Ruth shared about a friend who started on this. He couldn't believe how fast it worked for him. He told her that he's thinking more clearly and doesn't feel dozy in the morning.

Getting so much more done
There were other stories... I got on the call in the middle of this one woman talking about having so much more energy and getting so much more done in her day (sounds like my story!). She's a dancer professionally and had just gotten over mono. Don't have a lot of details... but she mentioned taking this.

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